Thursday, February 14, 2013


We won't be christening our beloved vessel with this name.  Although cliche, it would be appropriate...we love  our boat and we certainly love each other.  Living within the confines of thirty-seven feet could either help or hinder both of these. So far so good.

Aside from today belonging to good 'ol Valentine, I have been thinking about what a LOVE boat we have for other reasons.  One specifically leaves me torn- Do I really want to confess this to all my readers?  Obviously there are millions of you...and obviously the answer is yes.

I find it important to keep our home in ship-shape, additionally keep the buns in shape, and  avoid looking like a boat-hobo*

So, I keep all "get-ready equipment" packed in a bag i.e. brush, blow dryer, make-up bag, and tomorrow's outfit (after completing step 4 from my previous post).

This tidy little bag goes from aft cabin floor to floor of my car most mornings on the way to the gym.
The gym shower is key to a Skipper's life time for what a yacht club shower entails and no option to stink up the office.

Yesterday, I was in my usual morning rush to get out the door with a latte in hand (note that a Nespresso machine is very much worth having in your galley.  It is tiny, and makes you feel like you have a real  kitchen).


It all went south at a quick toothbrush grab attempt. Much like my closet situation, the light above our "medicine cabinet" gives off just enough to make you wonder if that toothbrush is blue...or green.  This time it was green, and let's just say- it shouldn't have been.

Going all day with unbrushed teeth, is out of the realm of possibility, especially after a delicious cup of Rosabaya**.

Now, I love the Cap, but I also have boundaries...and phobias perhaps. While I'm sure we have shared a germ or two in the last three years, forcing me to share a toothbrush with anyone  is pure affliction...

We all make concessions and I must LOVE that man, because against my every inclination, I went ahead and used his green toothbrush.  The shame...

Living aboard undeniably tests you at times.  Some tests are more rigorous than others. It seems being flexible when it comes to these things makes you all the better.

Happy Valentines Day.

Very official Footnotes:

*Boat hobo:  those that don't legitimately live on a boat, but rather squat on boats and look like average street corner hobos. In the interest of saving time, I believe boat-bo  should be the shortened version for a boat-hobo.

** Rosabaya is heavenly and will make you realize Starbucks is a joke..


  1. In my experience, living on a boat will get you pregnant... just sayin'!

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